Minggu, 16 September 2012

Eenie Meenie - Justin Bieber

Sean Kingston ft Justin Bieber – Eenie Meenie 

[Sean Kingston]
Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go

She’s indecisive
She cant decide
She keeps on looking
From left to right

Girl, cmon get closer
Look in my eyes
Searching is so wrong
Im Mr. Right

You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after this song
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Dont leave me out here dancing alone

You cant make up your mind-mind-mind-mind-mind
Please dont waste my time-time-time-time-time
Im not trying to rewind-wind-wind-wind-wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

[Justin Bieber]
Let me show you what your missing
With me you’re winning girl
You don’t have to roll the dice
Tell me what you’re really here for
Them other guys?
I can see right through ya

You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after the song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Dont leave me out here dancing alone

Cant make up your mind
Please dont waste my time
Not trying to rewind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

[Sean Kingston]
Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go
Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla-holla-holla-holla let her go

Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

You can't make up your mind-mind-mind-mind-mind
Please dont waste my time-time-time-time-time
I'm not trying to rewind-wind-wind-wind-wind-wind, yeah
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Mmmm ...

Lyric Mistletoe - Justin Bieber

The word "mistletoe" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon words, "mistel" (dung) and "tan" (twig) --misteltan is the Old English version of mistletoe. It's thought that the plant is named after bird droppings on a branch [source:mwrop.org].
One of the beliefs in the early centuries was that mistletoe grew from birds. People used to believe that, rather than just passing through birds in the form of seeds, the mistletoe plant was an inherent result of birds landing in the branches of trees.
So how did this plant become entwined with Christmas? The holiday has assimilated a wide range of customs and traditions from many cultures, and mistletoe is one of them. For example, one French tradition holds that the reason mistletoe is poisonous is because it was growing on a tree that was used to make the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Because of this, it was cursed and denied a place to live and grow on Earth, forever to be a parasite [source: Saupe].

Lyric Mistletoe - Justin Bieber

It's the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I'mma be under the mistletoe

I don't want to miss out on the holiday
But I can't stop staring at your face
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I'mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

Everyone's gathering around the fire
Chestnuts roasting like a hot July
I should be chillin' with my folks, I know
But I'mma be under the mistletoe

Word on the street santa's coming tonight,
Reindeer's flying through the sky so high
I should be making a list, I know
But I'mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

Aye, love, the wise men follow the stars (The wise men follow the stars)
They way I followed my heart
And it led me to a miracle

Aye, love, don't you buy me nothing (don't you buy me nothing)
I am feeling one thing, your lips on my lips
That's a Merry, Merry Christmas

It's the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow (I know)
But I'mma be under the mistletoe

I don't want to miss out on the holiday
But I can't stop staring at your face
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I'mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

(Kiss me underneathe the mistletoe)
Kiss me underneathe the mistletoe
(Show me baby that you love me so)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

(Kiss me underneathe the mistletoe)
Kiss me underneathe the mistletoe
(Show me baby that you love me so)
Ohhh, ohhh,


Same Mistakes - One Direction


Circus, we going in circus
Dizzy's all it makes us
We know every takes us we’ve been before
Closer, maybe looking closer
There’s more to discover
Find out what way wrong without blaming each other
Think that we got more time
One more falling behind
Gotta make up my mind
Always we’ll play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted
That will be the same
But we’re making all the same mistakes
Wake up, we both need to wake up
Maybe if we face up to this
We can make it through this
Closer, maybe we’ll be closer
Stronger than we were before, yeah
Made this something more, yeah
Think that we got more time
One more falling behind
Gotta make up my mind
Always we’ll play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted
That will be the same
But we’re making all the same mistakes
(Harry leading)
Yeah, yeah, that’s what crazy is
When it’s broken, you say there’s nothing to fix
And you pray, pray, pray that everything will be okay
Why you’re making all the same mistakes
Don’t look back
But if we don’t look back
We’re only running back
Out of me, cause Ain’t this
Same mistakes again
So we play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted
That will be the same
But we’re making all the same mistakes
Yeah, yeah, that’s what crazy is
When it’s broken, you say there’s nothing to fix
And you pray, pray, pray that everything will be okay
Why you’re making all the same mistakes


Domestic Violence


Domestic violence occurs when a people in an intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and over controling the other person that includes physical violence.


Usually domestic violence is to gain and maintain total control over a person, but not at a lack of control.


Commonly victimized is the women. The man also abuses especially on their verbally and emotionally.

The Suspected

  • 92% of physical abuser are men. However, the women can also be the perpetrators of domestic violence.
  • Abour 75% of stalkers are men who stalking the women. But stalkers can also be the women stalking the men, the men stalking the men, or the women stalking another women.
  • Domestic abuse knows no age or ethnic bounderies.
  • Domestic abuse can occur during a relationship or after a relationship has ended.


  • Stress,
  • Sexual jealousy,
  • Drugs or alcohol,
  • Mental illness,
  • Depretion,
  • Desperation,
  • Provocation by the intimate partner.


The types of domestic violence are diverses :

  • Physical abuse,
  • Sexual abuse,
  • Emotional abuse,
  • Economic abuse,
  • Stalking abuse,
  • Phsycological abuse,
  • Spiritual abuse.

  • To the children,
  • Physical effect,
  • Phsycological effect,
  • Financial,
  • Long-term (like mental health issues, and chronich physical health problem).


Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Cara Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung di Blog

Buat seorang blogger pastinya jumlah pengunjung tu mempengaruhi semangat blogging . Betul g Sob,, hehe
kalo jumlah pengunjung blog kita masih sedikit tu rasanya jadi minder mw blogging lagi, xixixi. Wajar deh kalo buat pemula-pemula ngrasain hal ini.
Oke Sob, kalo gitu di segmen kali ini, saya mau berbagi info, tips dan trik gimana caranya biar blog kita mulai banyak dikunjungi. Siaaap?? Okedah , Cekidot..

1. Blog Walking
Oke. Penasaran g sih apa itu Blog Walking? okok sabar pembaca... HeHe. Blog Walking adalah salah satu cara ampuh untuk mempromosikan blog kita (istilah gampangnya...). Caranya gampang banget sob, sering-sering mampir ke blog tetangga. HeHe,, maksudnya kita tu harus sering mampir, baca, ato numpang promosi Url lewat komen-komen di postingan para blogger lain. Selain tujuannya promosi, dengan cara ini kita juga bisa menambah jalinan persahabatan baru dengan para blogger lain. Eitss.. jangan lupa ya Sob, kalo mau promosi juga harus tau aturan maennya. yang saya maksud gini ni.. Sebagai pengunjung, kita juga harus bisa jaga etika promosi mengingat kita numpang promo di blog orang laen.
Siip. Selaen itu, kita juga berharap dapet kunjungan balik dari si empunya blog yang uda kita kunjungi itu Sob. Gampang kan Sob caranya... oke lanjut ke step selanjutnya.

2. Gabung ke situs Community
Selain dengan Blog Walking, kita juga bisa gabung di situs komunitas para blogger seperti blogcatalog dan sebagainya. Dengan cara ini manfaat ato tujuannya sama.. yakni menambah jumlah pengunjung, tambah ilmu baru, tambah teman baru, tambah jaringan baru, dan manfaat-manfaat laen. :)

3. Posting
Cara selanjutnya adalah menambah jumlah postingan yang ada dalam blog kita. Tentunya donk Sob, sebagai blogger kita juga harus menarik pengunjung dengan info-info yang kita sajikan di blog kita. karena, step ini adalah step yang cukup efektif, apalagi kalo kita posting tentang hal-hal yang unik, ato info-info menarik laennya..

Hmm.. saya rasa emang hal yang peling penting buat nambah jumlah pengunjung adalah dengan Posting...Posting...Posting...dan Posting... So, jangan males-males posting y,, HaHa kayak yang nulis rajin ajja.. Oke Sob, Semoga bermanfaat dan Selamat Mencoba.. :)

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

First Movie Project

Would you like to pay attention for this special one . . ? Sahtabat atau yang biasa disebut best friend ato juga yujin . . adalah orang-orang yang tentunya sangat berrharga mengingat kita adalah makhluk sosial . . ^^ satu hati untuk semua . . satu jiwa untuk bersama . . satu kebahagiaan untuk kita semua . . Check This Out . .

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Rahasia Dibalik Tidur Siang

Untuk mendapatkan kebugaran instan tak perlu meminum kopi berkafein tinggi. Tiga puluh menit tidur di siang hari saja ternyata sudah cukup menghilangkan kelelahan sobat dan menyegarkan lagi memori otak yang sempat full, serta meningkatkan suasana hati.
Walau tidak terlihat secara langsung, tidur siang nyatanya juga berdampak baik bagi kesehatan kulit sobat. Dikutip dari 3 Fat Chicks, tidur siang yang cukup dan tak berlebihan akan membantu menurunkan hormon stress sobat. Dengan menurunnya tingkst stress, maka pikiran sobat akan lebih sigap dan secara otomatis akan mengurangi resiko penuaan kulit.
Sebaliknya, kurang tidur dapat berkonsekuensi buruk pada tampilan kulit, seperti berwarna kekuningan, pucat, dan tidak segar. Sebabnya adalah tubuh sobat tidak punya cukup waktu untuk melepaskan hormon-hormon pertumbuhan yang berefek pada produksi sel baru, mengganti sel lama. Inilah rahasia mengapa tidur siang yang cukup dapat membuat sobat terasa lebih segar.
Tidur siang yang baik tidak perlu lama, yang penting berkualitas untuk meraih kesehatan kulit yang sempurna, tidur siang efektif dilakukan selama kurang dari satu jam. Tiga puluh menit adalah waktu ideal. Bahkan Sara C. Mednick, PhD. dari University of California, Amerika via WebMD, menyatakan bahwa 15 sampai 20 menit untuk tidur siang saja sudah cukup untuk menyegarkan sistem dam meningkatkan "motor" di tubuh sobat.( Dikutip dari: Warta Kota Magelang Edisi 50)